Week 3: New Tool: Plickers

What is Plickers?

Plickers is an effortless and efficient way for educators to collect instant multiple-choice responses from students in real- time. It is a free app that is accessible through IOS and Android. 
How does it work?
Each student is given a Plickers card that has what looks to be a QR code on it. These cards are numbered according to student, and they display A, B, C, and D multiple choice options on each end of the card. The teacher then accesses the card set on their phone, and it then displays on the board for students to see. After the question is read aloud, students hold up their card with their multiple choice option facing up. The teacher then walks with their phone around the room to scan the card. Student data is then gathered immediately. The correct answer will then display on the board. Only educators are able to see who answered what choice, so that students' answers are essentially anonymous to their classmates.

How I currently use Plickers:
I currently use Plickers to quickly gather formative assessment data, as well as provide check- in opportunities in an engaging way. After having students complete a Plickers assessment, I am able to use the data to address misunderstandings and inform my future instruction. 

Changes I would make in future implementations:
If I were to make changes to how I use Plickers in the future, I would create more SEL check in sets. This would allow students to check in with me to let me know how they are feeling, so that only I am aware of who answers what choice. Therefore, students would be more likely to express their feelings, rather than if they were checking in in our whole- group morning meetings.


  1. Kayla thanks for sharing! As I was reading I actually thought this would be a great tool to use to have student do feeling check-ins as well! It would be great for the class to see how everyone was feeling but keeping it anonymous. This will be helpful for the teacher as well because you could check-in on any students who were struggling later in the day. I am curious do your students keep these cards in their desks and pull him out as needed? Or do you pass them out every time you plan on using them?

  2. This sounds like such an awesome tool! I like that it keeps it anonymous for the students so there isn't any following the herd going on, and it keeps it private so students won't be embarrassed if they get a question wrong. I especially like the idea of using it for SEL check in because it is such an intimate thing to share in front of the whole class and this would give them the anonymity to share how they are really feeling. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is a good one. We should have discussed this one in EDUC 316.


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