Week 8: Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship Resources

    The resources provided this week were very helpful in regards to understanding digital citizenship. I found that the Google Digital Citizenship and Safety Course was extremely beneficial for informing my instruction and/or current practices in my classroom. It was very easy to navigate, and the information was easy to understand. This resource allowed me to understand the importance of creating strong passwords, as well as how to protect my students against hackers and other online threats, which I try to discuss with students each school year. 
    These resources did prompt me to think differently about how I/ my school approaches digital citizenship. I found that it is important that we approach digital citizenship in and engaging way, so that students do not feel that it is a lecture, but rather an opportunity for them to have fun while learning to stay safe online. Now, more than ever, it is vital that students understand how to interact appropriately online and protect themselves.
    In particular, the Digital Passport by Common Sense Education was one resource that I plan to incorporate into my curriculum/school because it allows students to learn how to create safe and secure passwords on each account they create, reflect on issues of multitasking, evaluate examples of online messages, participate in cyberbullying scenarios, and so much more. This site teaches these concepts through the use of engaging interactive games. As discussed on the site, the games teach students about digital citizenship skills and how to use technology responsibly.


  1. Kayla, I like how you are trying to integrate ways to approach digital citizenship in an engaging way. I agree that it is a serious topic and something students need to know, but it doesn’t always need to be done in a lecture format. I really liked the games that were shared through Common Sense and Google too. I will definitely be integrating these in my classroom and sharing with other colleagues! – Alison Smith

  2. I like Common Sense too because it is aligned with standards. Several of your classmates mentioned Google, especially the game Interland.


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