Week 12: New Tool: Brainscape


Brainscape is an app that is used to help students create and study interactive flashcards. This can be accessed via web or mobile platform. Students and/or teachers can either create their own electronic flashcard set, or they can simply search and find sets that have already been published.

- Students can study vocab words, terms, or spelling words from any device.
- Flashcards are electronic and in one space, so students will not worry about losing or misplacing their cards.
- Flashcard sets/ decks can include images in videos, making them an engaging and interactive way to study.
- Brainscape offers certified classes that educators can take.

Uses/ Changes to future instruction:
I can use this tool during future instruction when beginning a unit, so students can identify and record their terms electronically. This way students will have a chance to preview their terms before we begin the unit, and they can access them from any device to study as we progress into the unit. Since images can be added, I intend to upload images to go along with the flash cards, so that students remain engaged in their learning and have fun while studying.


  1. Hi Kayla,
    I love the idea of electronic flashcards. I know when I was a student flashcards were the bane of my exitance! I also like that it integrates images, this is a great feature for ELL students. I do not do a lot of vocabulary, however, I can see this being useful for my ELL students. I will also pass this along to our ELL department. Thank you for this new tool!
    Week 12

  2. Electronic flash cards are so helpful! I've used them myself in the past and I would find myself sitting on the couch at night or in a waiting room at a doctors office just flipping through them. It's convenient to have them on your phone. Takes up less space and its always with us! Thanks for sharing some ways to incorporate these into the classroom as well.

  3. How did these compare to Quizlet?


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