Week 14: New Tool: MobyMax



MobyMax is a school- wide online learning site that helps with students' development of oral language, reading, spelling, and writing skills for students. Students receive student-driven personalized instruction when using MobyMax, which can greatly benefit their learning. Students work independently through individualized learning activities, just like Lexia. All subjects are included such as science, reading, math, social studies, spelling, and language, and students can work at their own pace. Educators are informed when students pass or fail the lessons so that they are aware of when students need help and/or support.

How MobyMax can be used in the classroom:

- Promotes targeted, individualized instruction
- Blended learning opportunities, if needed
- Offers students some choices and interactive games are provided when they reach a certain score/percentage of correct answers
- Offers teachers useful data and additional resources that cater to students learning needs

What MobyMax provides for educators:

- Formatively assess students without traditional testing

- Provides individualized instruction for students to help meet them where they are

- Helps close learning gaps

Changes for future instruction:

When implementing future instruction, I can use MobyMax not only during free time, but as review lessons when finishing up a certain skill or topic. MobyMax allows educators to push lessons to students as needed, based on grade level and subject/concept of choice. Students can also receive free gear when participating in MobyMax rewards. 


  1. Kayla,
    Thanks for sharing this resource! I had seen students in a previous district I worked for using MobyMax but only thought it was for math. MobyMax also reminds me of of the program my students currently use called iReady but it only is focused on reading and math. I am definitely going to take another look at this resource.
    -Sara Graviss (week 14 response)

  2. This is an interesting program! My school currently uses Lexia, and my students enjoy it. However, I like how MobyMax can offer individualized instruction for a number of different subjects. Additionally, I like how students can work towards earning games. I think that could be a huge motivators for my kids. Is this tool free?
    Thanks for sharing!
    - Karissa Bachman (Week 14 Response)


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