Week 4: New Tool: Kahoot!
Are you looking for an upbeat and engaging way to formatively assess students? If so, Kahoot! is the way to go! Kahoot! is a game- based tech tool that allows students to compete by answering timed multiple- choice questions. How does this platform work? Students will need to sign into their Kahoot! app or access Kahoot! online and type in the game pin provided. Once students are signed in, questions are displayed on the board along with answer choices. All questions are displayed on the board, and you can decide how many seconds students have to answer the question. Once answered, students are privately shown whether their choice was correct or incorrect, and then on the main screen for all to see is the correct answer followed by the leader board. The leader board shows who is in the lead based on their answer streak of correct answers. How I use Kahoot!: 1. This app is a great way to review before upcoming tests or quizzes. You can either create your own kahoot or sear...